. Tech Support Form
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I change my mailbox password?
To change a mailbox password login to webmail by going to www.ukmailexchange.com/login and select “Read and send email”. Once logged in select options > login, you will then be given the option change your password.
2. How can I get a similar email address for a family member?
You can create a similar email address for a family member or business colleague by selecting the “my shop” tab above. You should then see the “create a similar mailbox or redirect” tool, type their name, click create and the follow the resulting instructions.
3. I cant send email using a thired party progam (e.g. Outlook)?
Some broadband suppliers block SMTP connections, if you are unable to connect to your outgoing mail server either change your outgoing server port to 45 or contact your broadband supplier and request a different outgoing mail server address (e.g. smtp.aol.com).
4. Can I have a website?
We provided this services along with webdesign and business class email accounts on a quotation basis and take in to account the previous fees you have paid and your specific requirements. To get a personalised quote or to arrange a call from one of our accounts advisors please use our online contact form.
5. Why do my emails disappear from Webmail?

This can happen if you access your emails in more than one way e.g. via webmail and Outlook. If you use more than one method to collect your email you may find your emails disappear and are marked as unread when you have already read them. The solution is to change your incoming mail server to use IMAP.

There are two ways your devices and clients can communicate with UkMailExchange:

  1. A one-way communication path (POP). Your device asks us for data and pulls it from our servers -- but that's it. Things you do on your device have no effect on the server.
  2. A two-way communication path (IMAP). Unlike with POP, your devices talk back to our servers and sync your changes automatically with IMAP.
6. How can I add another email address to my account?

To add an extra email address to your account login to the "Account" section of www.ukmx.net and click on the "my shop" tab.

7. How can I change my incoming server from POP to IMAP in Outlook?

Please follow the below steps if you wish to keep your emails by moving them back to the UkMailExchange server:

  1. Set your pop account in Outlook to leave your emails on the server for 10 days.
  2. Creating a new account I Outlook for your email address choosing IMAP instead of POP.
  3. When you have created the new account copy the emails from the old pop account to the new IMAP account.
  4. Login to webmail check the emails are present.
  5. If they are present delete the old POP account form Outlook.
8. What is the Nominet Data Quality Policy?

Nominet (the regulator for .uk domains) requires all domain owners to confirm their contact information. You can read about Nominet's policy at: Nominet Data Quality Policy.

What do you need to do?
If you receive an email asking you to confirm your domain’s registration details please click on the link within the email and follow the instructions to update the information. Nominet will then check these details and no further action is required. If for any reason the details cannot be verified by Nominet you will receive another email. Please note that Nominet will suspend any domains that are not validated within 30 days of being asked to do so.

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